A true fitness enthusiast knows how important and at the same time cumbersome it can be to choose the right supplement for muscle building.

You cant take your body for granted hence it is necessary to do some research before picking a supplement for yourself.

With a multitude of options available everywhere, it’s easy to get confused. Here is a complete MuscleTech Shatter SX 7 review.

But what works for one may not work for another person, right? We have listed every detail in this review that will for sure help to make your choice.

What are Pre Workout Supplements?

Many people do not feel active before their workouts or training and need some kind of booster to get up and start. This lethargy is due to a lack of energy within the body.

Here is where pre-workout supplements enter.

Nowadays, pre-workout supplements have gained popularity among athletes and fitness freaks.

Many claim that these pre-workout supplements improve fitness and give an instant boost of energy.

In fact, the pre-workout supplements are multi-grained dietary formulas that are specially designed to boost energy and athletic performance. These are available in powder form that can be mixed in water and is consumed before exercise.

There are multitudinous formulas available on market shelves, but the main ingredients remain the same with a slight change in the quantities of those ingredients. Amino acids, caffeine, creatine, and B-vitamins are some major ingredients that are included in these formulas.   

The choice of pre-workout supplements depends on the type of workout one has in his/her mind and the goals one wants to achieve.

It is found that pre-workout supplements only improve pre-defined exercise performances and may increase strength or power while others may enhance endurance.

Benefits of Pre-Workout:

The pre-workout ingredients mentioned below are beneficial in certain types of exercises. Before selecting any of these supplements, it’s essential to know what ingredient will benefit what type of exercise.

In this part of the Shatter SX 7 review we are discussing the seven most commonly used ingredients used in pre-workout supplements:


It is the most common and most beneficial ingredient that is used in pre-workout supplements. Creatine is believed to be one of the top advantageous ingredients that increases strength and power. It’s totally safe to use when anyone wants to increase muscle mass, strength, and exercise performance. Creatine is the molecule that is found within our cells, which is why it provides maximum benefits to the body.


Caffeine is a key molecule that is found in coffee, tea, and other beverages. Caffeine plays a pivotal role in enhancing brain alertness as well as making you feel less tired. Because of this astounding property, caffeine is included in numerous pre-workout supplements.

Caffeine-containing supplements can be used in various exercises like sprinting, weight training, and aerobics because they can produce force more quickly as compared to other ingredients.

Moreover, exercises that require more time like running and cycling demand higher workout performance which can be achieved by using caffeine-containing supplements.


This profound amino acid helps fight muscle fatigue. Supplements containing beta-alanine do not let the acid accumulate in the body which is produced as a result of an extensive workout.

Usually, you should consume about 4-6 gms per day of beta-alanine via your pre-workout supplement.

According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, the ingredient beta-alanine boosts workout performance during the first 20-30 minutes.


This amino acid is produced naturally in our bodies. By consuming citrulline-containing supplements, the natural citrulline level of our body increases which eventually enhances our body performance.

This supplement helps in supplying oxygen to exercise muscles so that they can perform well during workouts. It basically increases nitric oxide production to sustain aerobic workouts.

Studies have shown that citrulline enhances the upper-body weight training performance as well as reduces muscle soreness.

Sodium Bicarbonate:

You may be surprised to hear that this common household product is an amazing pre-workout supplement. The common name of this ingredient is “Baking Soda” which acts as a buffering agent that fights against acid accumulation within the body.

Sodium Bicarbonate largely reduces fatigue during exercise as well as fades away the burning sensation that is caused by intense exercise.

In fact, the only major purpose of this ingredient is the reduction of the muscle burning sensation caused by intense exercise.


BCCAs are abundant in dairy products like eggs and meat, which consists of three important molecules, that is, leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

These branched-chain amino acids aid in muscle building and improve tolerance during running performances.


This nutrient is abundantly found in spinach, turnips, and beetroot. A very small amount of this nitrate is also found and produced naturally within the human body.

Rather Nitrate is advantageous for exercise performance as it converts into nitric oxide that increases blood flow.

Commonly found in beetroot juice, nitrate decreases the demand for oxygen within the body, during exercises or sessions of weight training.

All in all, Nitrate-containing supplements greatly improve the running performance as well as increase speed.      

Side Effects Of Pre-Workout Supplements:

Despite health benefits, pre-workout supplements can cause several side effects that can be severe for some people but mild for others. The side effects of consuming pre-workout supplements are as follows:

  1. If caffeine-containing workout supplements are consumed in large amounts, it can cause insomnia, nausea, increased heart rate, drowsiness, headaches, anxiety, and jitteriness or restlessness.
  1. The potential side effects of creatine include water retention, bloating, weight gain, and digestive issues.
  1. Beta-alanine and niacin present in pre-workout formulas may cause paresthesia, which is a tingling sensation in the hands and feet. Niacin can result in red patches on the skin if taken in a high dosage.
  1. Many pre-workout formulas can cause digestive upset. When sodium bicarbonate is consumed at 91-227 mg per pound of the body, it may upset the digestive system.
  1. The recommended dosage of citrulline containing the formula is 6-8 gm but if taken in large amounts, it can increase the blood flow to the brain and people might experience headaches and migraines.

MuscleTech Shatter Sx 7 Review

An ultimate, pre-workout, premium quality weight-loss dietary supplement that will enhance your focus and energy levels.

Rightly known as a good pre-workout as well as weight loss formula this one is the brainchild of an American supplement company known by the name MuscleTech.

Here is what this dietary supplement contains:

  • 6g of L Citrulline in an immediate release formula coupled with Perform L Citrulline peptides is something very rare and hard to find in a supplement.

For those who don’t know L-Citrulline is a type of amino acid that has been metabolized into nitric oxide and arginine.

L-Citrulline is crucial for those who are involved in extensive muscle training.

Taking citrulline pre or post-workout increases the oxygen content of the muscles which in turn improves the exercise performance.

Moreover, it also increases the blood flow to the muscles, improving muscle mass and performance.

  • Good Dose of Caffeine: Shatter Ripped SX-7 contains a healthy dose of caffeine to help get you in the right mood before you work out.

A recent study proved that caffeine supplements are more effective and efficient to help with weight loss too.

Immediate release caffeine together with sustained-release caffeine gives you the right boost that you need every morning.

Not only does this give an excellent energy boost, but it also helps to hype up your focus during the day and during the workouts.

  • Aids in Weight Loss: Good news for all the fitness and weight loss freaks, this premium-quality supplement helps in losing weight along with building lean muscle mass.

They claim that taking this supplement on a regular basis for a few weeks along with a calorie-restricted diet resulted in a weight loss of up to 10 pounds within 2 months.

That’s something not ignorable. A good and solid reason for us choosing this supplement among the others was that its weight loss effect has been backed by authentic studies.

The weight loss that results by using this supplement is approved by the health experts as “healthy weight loss” something we all have been striving for.

  • A Novel Combination: There is more to this muscle aiding and weight-loss pre workout.

Shatter Ripped SX-7 contains a unique and novel blend of Huperzine-A and Satsuma Orange which is something you will only find in this supplement.

Basically, Huperzine-A prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine which is a chief neurotransmitter required by the brain and certain body organs to carry out certain body functions.

Whereas, Satsuma orange is an ancient Japanese citrus fruit that contains a unique carotenoid compound known as beta-cryptoxanthin which is required by the body cells for the cell to cell combination as well as antioxidant defense.

After doing extensive research, we have concluded that this novel and unique combination is only found in MuscleTech Pre-workout supplements only.

  • Delicious Flavours: What makes Shatter Ripped XS-7 irresistible to some is the delicious tangy flavor that hits all the right notes on your taste buds.

Blueberry lemonade sounds like a fantastic flavor that would get you to want to drink it again and again, while Wild Berry is equally tempting.

For those days you cannot decide between both the flavors, you can alternate between both.

The Pro’s and Con’s of this Pre Workout Supplement:

Here is the most interesting part of Shatter SX 7 review. Let’s look at the comparison of both pros and cons of this Shatter Ripped SX-7 Revolution Pre Workout:

Contains PWO (Pre-workout Ingredients) i.e Beta-alanine and L-citrulline that make it worth the shot.High doses may lead to nausea in some or fainting.
Contains a unique blend of ingredients that act as a perfect fat-burner.Some of the ingredients aren’t backed by research.
Promotes thermogenesis with its powerful formula.The dose of caffeine might not be suitable for people who are sensitive to caffeine.

Some Popular Shatter Sx-7 Reviews:

It’s not us only, in fact, this cutting-edge blend enjoys quite a fame among health experts around the world. Let’s have a quick look at some of the reviews:

Morgan Faith says:

She loves it and treats it as a second wind of energy in her day. She does get shaky sometimes from it before she works out though. She loves it and uses it to help lose weight. She says she will buy more when she runs out.

John, US says:

It is his favorite pre-workout in 20 years. He says he has never had a problem with it and that it easily gives him enough for hours without a crash.

 Patrick Slusher says:

He says he takes a scoop every morning to start his day and to keep him energized throughout. He recommends drinking a lot of water with it because it can be strong.

Alternative Options:

It’s time we take you on a survey of some other similar options that will help you make the right choice. Our experts have done some deep research and sorted out some of the best supplements that resemble this formula. Here, have a look:

NITROSURGE Shred Pre Workout

A revolutionary thermogenic pre-workout supplement powder that claims to provide you with endless energy. A perfect pre-workout drink in multiple flavors designed for both men and women who like to work hard to achieve a leaner body shape. Improves the level of nitric oxide in the blood as well as blood flow to the muscles to maximize pumps. Not only this, but this pre-workout also gives you the strength and endurance to crush your workouts. It provides 2g of citrulline per serving which is less for achieving the desired results.


  • Provides endless energy during workouts.
  • Increase blood flow to muscles maximizing pumps.
  • Helps in fat loss
  • No artificial preservatives
  • Delicious flavor


  • Less amount of citrulline per serving.
  • Not suitable for people with caffeine sensitivity
  • More expensive

You can get your hands on a muscle-building supplement that offers a low dose of citrulline per serving here.

C4 Ripped Pre Workout Powder

A one of its kind, creatine-free, zero-sugar, pre-workout that is a perfect blend for an ideal pre-workout. It contains beta-alanine that boosts up your muscle endurance and helps ward off fatigue post-workout. Trusted and used by sportsmen around the world, this is ideal for those who are looking to obtain a leaner body mass. Contains no sugar and a blend of natural and artificial flavors. This is ideal only for those who are looking to lose some weight and obtain lean muscle mass.


  • Contains zero sugar
  • Contains beta-alanine which increases muscle endurance
  • Prevents fatigue.


  • May cause dizziness or vomiting.
  • May cause tingling on the skin.
  • Some ingredients are not tested by FDA

Check out this fat burning pre workout by Cellucor here.

Beyond Raw LIT Pre Workout

A clinically proven, metabolism booster, this Beyond Raw Lit is a pre-workout with a perfect blend of creatine and caffeine. It focuses on the development of lean muscle mass, while also increasing blood flow to the muscles giving you great pumps. It comes in a gluten-free and sugar-free formula making it a perfect fit for both vegans and non-vegans. It can also be used on non-training days as well.


  • Boosts metabolism and energy.
  • Helps in weight loss.
  • Can be used on non-training days as well.
  • Increases focus.
  • Gluten-free & Sugar-free


  • Can cause arrhythmias.
  • Can cause vomiting.
  • Contains artificial flavors.

Check out this fat burning pre workout that contains creatine here.

Why MuscleTech Shatter SX-7?

This must be pretty evident now! We think MuscleTech Shatter Ripped SX-7 Revolution is a good option and we have reasons that led us to this decision:

1- This one is a multipurpose bodybuilding supplement. Not only does it help in building lean muscle mass but also helps in fat burning that leads to weight loss making it a multifunctional dietary supplement.

2- It offers a high dose of citrulline per serving which is not found in many.

3- Its benefits have been backed by two different studies.

4- It does not have any serious side effects or bad reviews.

 Summing Up:

It is easy to get confused while choosing a pre workout as there are a plethora of options to pick from. However, we have saved you both time and energy by sharing our research with you in this Shatter SX 7 review. We hope this helps you make a good decision to improve gym performance and work productivity.

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