Alani Nu Pre Workout Review – Is It Worth It?

Alani Nu is a newer fitness nutrition company. They sell everything from protein powder to energy drinks.

One of their most popular products is the Alani Nu Pre-Workout. In particular, it is well-liked for its delicious flavor and how easy it is to drink. Pre-workout mixes that taste good aren’t easy to come by. Their Hawaiian Shaved Ice flavor is a favorite of mine.

You’ve come to the right place if you’ve been looking for Alani Nu Pre Workout reviews. We reviewed their product to give you a complete idea of whether it would suit your fitness goals.

What is Alani Nu Pre-Workout?

Alani Nu’s brand mission is to help its customers succeed. They design their products to have positive ingredients that taste good. Their products sell so well that they were a top seller at stores like GNC since their first sales day.

It was only natural for Alani Nu to develop a pre-workout formula for athletes. Pre-workout helps reduce tiredness and increase focus. It’s also believed that they increase fat loss and shorten recovery time.

As I mentioned earlier, their Hawaiian Shaved Ice is my favorite flavor. You’ll appreciate the familiar taste if you’ve ever been to Hawaii and enjoyed authentic shave ice. I know you’ll still love the flavor even if you’ve never had the opportunity to try shaved ice from the Aloha State.


  • It tastes delicious. Unlike other pre-workouts, Alani Nu doesn’t have a chemical aftertaste.
  • Give you lots of energy. This pre-workout formula gives you the boost of energy you need to get whatever you need to do finished.
  • Fast dissolving. The powder dissolves fast. You don’t have to waste your time stirring or shaking your blender bottle for long periods.
  • Large variety of flavors to choose from.


  • It can cause jitters. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, you could experience jitters or tingles with this pre-workout formula. Start with half a scoop to ensure you don’t react.
  • Contains artificial flavoring.
  • Does not contain creatine.
  • The beta-alanine is underdosed.
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Ingredient Breakdown

When taking any supplement, it’s essential to know the ingredients. Being aware of what’s going into your body helps you understand how they work.

This pre-workout is vegan-friendly or free of animal products. It also contains no carbohydrates.

alani nu pre workout reviews supplement facts

L-Citrulline Malate – 6g

The L-Citrulline Malate is set to a 2:1 ratio of L-Citrulline to Malate (Malic Acid). There are four grams of L-Citrulline and two grams of Malic Acid.

This ingredient is excellent for various reasons, including helping with high blood pressure in the lungs and erectile dysfunction. But, in this context, it enhances athletic performance.

L-Citrulline is taken in doses of up to 5 grams by mouth daily. The amount in the pre-workout formula is on par with what an adult should take every day. 

Beta-Alanine – 1.6g

The Beta-Alanine dosage is 1.6 grams.

Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that is a building block of protein. This amino acid occurs naturally in the body and does not need to be taken as a supplement. Despite that, fitness buffs choose to take it to improve performance.

Typical dosing for Beta-Alanine is 3.2 grams for adult men. 1.6 grams is considered a low dose, even for women, and may not be valid. Yet, because women have less body mass than men, there is potential for it to make a difference.

L-Tyrosine – 500mg

The L-Tyrosine dose in Alani Nu is 500 milligrams.

L-Tyrosine helps build protein in the body. It also helps your nerve cells communicate by producing neurotransmitters. This ingredient also helps improve your attention and can give you the determination to follow through with a workout.

A typical dosage of L-Tyrosine is 150 milligrams daily. They are taken before meals and ideally split into three doses.

Caffeine – 200mg

There are 200 milligrams of caffeine in this supplement. They used Arabica coffee bean extract for the caffeine component.

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in over 60 products, including coffee and tea. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and heart and improves mental alertness and athletic performance.

Up to 400 milligrams of caffeine is safe for most adults. That much caffeine is equal to about four cups of coffee.

L-Theanine – 200mg

There are 200 milligrams of L-Theanine in the pre-workout formula.

This amino acid is from tea and some mushrooms. Allegedly, it affects dopamine and serotonin in the brain. It can improve anxiety, stress, and other conditions. L-Theanine, in addition to caffeine, may help people stay focused.

Taking 50 milligrams of L-Theanine daily can improve your hormonal response to exercise. It is safe to use in the short term in doses up to 900 milligrams daily. If you take L-Theanine longer than eight weeks, you may experience headaches.

Does it Work?

For most pre workout users, Alani Nu pre workout will work. It’s ingredient profile is strong enough to help you through most hard workouts and less intense ones too. The product is backed by a strong company, science backed ingredient profile, a great flavor profile, and a loyal fan base.

If you decide to try out Alani Nu pre workout, you wont be disappointed in it’s performance.

What Are Others Saying?

Here are some personal alani nu pre workout reviews from other users of the product:

Alternative Option

If you’ve read through the Alani Nu Pre Workout reviews and feel that it’s not right for you, then check out this alternative.

A great alternative to Alani Nu’s pre-workout powder is Transparent Labs Lean. Lean is an ergogenic training and fat-loss formula that comes in multiple flavors, including Blue Raspberry, Green Apple, Orange, Sour Grape, Strawberry Lemonade, Tropical Punch, Watermelon, and Sour Peach.

Although it’s a bit more expensive than Alani Nu, it is clinically dosed and features more ingredients. It also has two more flavor choices than Alani Nu.

I recommend the Blue Raspberry flavor if you’re interested in Transparent Labs Lean. It has a nice tart flavor and is not too sweet, so it’s still enjoyable to drink. However, all of their flavors are pretty good.

If you’ve used the Alani Nu Pre-Workout before and it wasn’t for you, try Transparent Labs Lean

Buy on Transparent Labs


Taking Alani Nu’s pre-workout supplement may help give you the energy needed to get through intense workouts.

In addition, ingredients such as caffeine mean that they can aid in weight loss efforts. Caffeine is a stimulant widely used in weight loss products. It also helps you curb your appetite to reduce hunger.

Side Effects

If you are familiar with pre workouts, Alani Nu should not contain any side effects you are not expecting. The ingredients within the pre workout are all scientifically backed and are included in the product to help you during your workout. The main side effect you will feel is a tingling sensation in your extremities: ears, hands, feet, etc. This is because of the ingredient, beta-alanine. The side effect is completely harmless, but is uncomfortable for someone people and if that is the case you can check our guide to the best pre workouts without beta alanine.

If you have existing health concerns, you should still consult with your physician or doctor before you start using a new supplement because although it is considered safe, everyone’s body is different and can react to it differently.


Alani Nu pre workout recommends that you consume one serving/scoop with 6-8 of your favorite beverage. Each serving comes out to 9.9g of ingredients, so it mixes quite well with any beverage.


Does It Contain Creatine?

Alani Nu pre workout does not contain creatine. If you would like to supplement creatine, you would need to purchase a standalone creatine supplement.

What Is The Best Flavor?

Personally, my favorite flavor of Alani Nu pre workout is the Hawaiian Shaved Ice. Other popular flavors are arctic white and rainbow candy.

How Much Caffeine Per Serving?

Alani Nu pre workout contains 200mg of caffeine per serving. This is a good amount for a heavy lifting day, long cardio day, or any other intense workout. If you are sensitive to caffeine, this can be a lot to caffeine so try using a half serving the first time using this pre workout.

When Should I Take It?

You should take Alani Nu pre workout around 20-30 minutes before you start your workout. For most people, myself included, this means on the drive to your gym or when warming up before your workout.

Is There A Stimulant-Free Version?

Alani Nu pre workout does not currently offer a stimulant free version. A serving of Alani Nu contains 200mg of caffeine, which can be quite a lot for someone sensitive to caffeine. If you would like to look at stimulant free pre workouts, you can check out our best stimulant free pre workout guide.

Can I Use Alani Nu Pre Workout Daily?

You can use most pre workout daily, and Alani Nu is no exception to this. The ingredients are dosed effectively that if you would like to take it 5 days a week, you can. Just a heads up for when taking pre workout daily, you will grow a tolerance to certain ingredients, like caffeine, to the point where you will either have to take a break to reset your tolerance or keep going up in dosage to feel the same effects.



Alani Nu Pre-Workout helps athletes and fitness buffs reduce their tiredness. The increased effectiveness of the workout means higher chances of weight loss and muscle gains.

For the most part, the ingredient dosing is on par with what is appropriate in a pre-workout formula. But best of all, their flavors are excellent, and the powder is easy to mix.

If you’re tired of reading Alani Nu Pre Workout reviews, why not leap and buy it now?

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